Why DialABC?
We maintain this site as as a show case and testing ground
for software, software tools and information design ideas. We also
offer the web based dialabc word search and other service
for free to give something back to the internet, and love to
get the occasional email from our visitors.
Most of the technology you see here is available for licensing,
and if you like what you see, you can hire us on a short term
consulting basis to help you with your own software projects.
DialABC for Your Web Site
Commercial web sites can use branded versions of DialABC for
a setup fee plus a small per-use charge.
Contact helmut@dialabc.com
for pricing information.
DialABC History
The word search code was first written in 1993 for personal use.
It was completely rewritten several times in the following years.
The lookup service was made available to the web in March of 1996.
Pick-a-Prefix, finger motion, and DTMF play/search capability was
added between 2000 and 2002.
Finally, the anagram server was added in the summer of 2003.
For questions, comments, and suggestions, send email to