Format Questions
How do I interpret this diagram?
In the background of the diagram is the essential
phone key pad. Numbers that actually occur in the
phone number have their corresponding keys highlighted
in blue. All other numbers are shown in a faint grey.
In the foreground are a number of orange dots connected
by lines. The dot representing the first digit of the
number has a thicker black outline than the others. It
is connected to the next dot representing the next digit
with a line. The line is drawn such that it appears to
come out from the back of the first dot and then
goes into the front of the second. If you only had
the three digits "123", then the three dots would
would look like this:

The idea here is that the first digit is on top and
the last digit is on the bottom, all being connected
by a line running away from the observer.
The lines are crossing and it looks messy/confusing.
Is it supposed to do that?
Maybe. If you get something that looks really broken,
please let us know. However, some numbers will look
confusing with lines going every which way. What that
tells you is that this may be a number that is harder
to remember using geometric mnemonics.
Why do you use this format?
We use this particular format because it shows the
required information and not much else.
Describing movement in a two-dimensional medium such
such as paper or a computer screen has been a little
known and fascinating (to some) topic of research.
If you would like to learn more about notations for
movement, check out some of the web sites listed in
our link
section on this topic.
The picture could be less confusing for certain numbers.
Probably, but we are not trying to write the worlds best
path layout tool. (Besides, that has already been done
several times over).
Computer Geek Questions
What programming language is this program written
The picture is generated in Java using the very fine
Java2D API from Sun Microsystems. There is also some
amout of web goop script written in Tcl in order to make
this functionality available to you via your web browser.
Isn't that slow?
You would think so, but most of time goes into the Java
discovering its classes, font libraries, etc,.. so once
you turn the Java program into a persistent process,
it is actually rather fast. Even on our modest server,
we can draw a few dozen of these images per second.
General Questions
Is there a DialABC version for the PC or Mac?
If so, I would like to get a copy!
The short answer is: No.
Ask a Question
If you have any questions regarding any of our online phone
number tool that are not answered here, please send us email.